The Covid-19 Pandemic has created unique restrictions to the format of our performances. ALDF was created amongst the pandemic, and designed to keep audience and artists alike safe.

It all begins in our rehearsal process. Each piece is choreographed and rehearsed almost entirely over Zoom. When dancers meet in person five days prior to the performance, they will follow social distancing guidelines at that time as set by Grant County. We are utilizing vaccination, Covid testing, and of course masks to keep our dancers safe.

Our audience is seated in socially distant circles outdoors. We ask that audience members remain masked at all times, and maintain six feet of distance between all audience members not included in their party.

We will always prioritize the safety of the greater community when making this festival, and follow the guidelines our County rules for public gatherings and performances.

The health and safety of our audience members is of the utmost importance to us. If you have any questions or concerns, you may email us at, or call us at 206-735-6740.